Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Before the Camera Broke!!!

We had Thor's 2nd Birthday Party on Saturday. I started taking pictures of the kids when we got there and right as he was about to start opening gifts, my camera flashed an error and would not take anymore pictures!!! This has never happened before!! Here are a few of the kids, pre-party!!! Happy Birthday Thor!! Happy #2!!
Zac and Jordan concentrate on their construction site!!!

Landon is pulling Thor in the wagon while Kayleigh goes whizzing by pushing the car!!

Say Cheese Kayleigh!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Rain Came Down.......and The Floods Came Up!!!

Spring Break 2009 will go down in the books as the wettest spring break in history!!! We don't mean that we got wet in the pool, or at the beach or in a wet T-shirt contest! Since we got off last Friday it has rained and rained and rained and, well you get the picture! Above you can see the dam on our property between our two, as of last week, dry ponds. This is the water that is now flowing over the now, filled to the brim ponds.
There was a dry hole there that you could drive completely around??? Watch out tractor under the shed!!

And to the left we have a beautiful waterfall right here in Bristol, Florida, at the Eikeland's.

Cayla is that your house that was by a small dry hole in the ground??? My what a difference a day makes!!!

Pop and Zac try out their new water craft!

John is trying a new irrigation system.....or is that a new aquatic gardening experiment he's working on??? Someone call Epcot!!!
The potatoes were the only thing that weren't completely under water! As of today that is!
Amanda and Thor hurry home you have a new pond in your back yard! The rain is still coming, it could be even closer by tomorrow!!
Rain, Rain, Go Away.......All us KIDS want to PLAY!!

Spring Break....and the Turtles are Roaming!

I looked out my window Monday morning.....the one morning so far that it Wasn't raining, and this is what I saw! Zac has been staying with me since Cayla is not off for Spring Break! So I grabbed the camera! I don't remember what those turtles drove.....but an FSU golf cart seems to work pretty well!!
I met the Turtle at the door! "Which one are you?" I asked?

Turtles on the half shell!

Who is that masked man......Really??????

Friday, February 13, 2009

Winter Beach

I love enjoying a walk on the beach on a beautiful winter day. We rode down to St. George Island last Saturday and walked on the beach for a little bit. As you can see Zac was getting out some of his energy from the long drive!!! He looks like he's trying out for a role in the next Karate Kid!
Don't you love the feel of the sand between your toes!!
Does this fit together like a puzzle????

This is as far as Rascal got on the beach.

We were sure that this sign did not apply to our little member of the family!!!!

Is that a smile? Let the data show.......teenagers can experience fleeting moments of happiness when surrounded by family and small children!

Me and my Shadow!!!