Sunday, May 18, 2008

Library FUN!!

Jessica takes the boys to the library every week to check out books. I went with them last time to take some pictures of their weekly adventure.....which I hear is truly....AN ADVENTURE!! God Bless Jessica!! But I don't understand, don't they look as sweet as Tupelo Honey!! Well as least we can tell they have both learned how to read in kindergarten! Keep Reading Jordan and Zac!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mom!
Zac and I were so excited to see his picture on your blog. He was bugging be to "look at Nana's blog!" so here we are! Great job mama, I am so proud of you and your new hobby! Love ya lots!
Cayla and Zac

Cousin Karen said...

This is toooo cute! I'm glad they go to the library. Hope they don't get into as much trouble there as Sidney and Justin did.
Cousin K

evy & grace photography said...

This is hilarious! Love it!